Sunday 2 June 2013

Narrow Lounge

Ye Gods!  A month since I've had a pub to write up?  No wonder my liver has been so happy with me lately.

I first mentioned Narrow the better part of a year ago when I went to The Hideaway.  Narrow and The Hideaway are almost the same place, in fact, they share a bathroom.  I decided to write them up separately though, because thematically, they're very different.  The Hideaway is a tiki-bar.  It's only open in the summer, and it's all about tropical rum drinks.  My plan was to write up Narrow quite a while ago, but I also planned on going back to Narrow much sooner than I actually did.  ...Something about plans and... mice?  You know how it goes.

Anyway, Narrow.  I almost feel like I'm giving away a big secret here, but really I'm not, because this place is always packed.  If you walk by Narrow, you won't find it.  You'll come to a weird furniture store that looks like it hasn't been open in several hundred years.  Just around the corner is a totally blank utility door with a red light.  You will think this door will be locked, it won't be.  You will think you are descending into some horrible industrial basement, you won't be.  Down the flight of stairs and you will find yourself in (an admittedly quite dark) well designed pub.  The Narrow is (as it's name suggests quite narrow)  It's also quite popular.  Don't go in groups larger than five, and go early if you'd actually like to sit down.

The Food at Narrow is really good.  That surprised me a bit, because I'm honestly not sure where they're hiding the kitchen.  I had a really nice (and really affordable) mushroom risotto.  From what I can tell, management likes to mix things up, and the menu changes if not frequently, at least seasonally.

The beer list is nothing wildly exciting.  All the beers on tap are good, but it's not a place to go try brews you've never had before.  They have more beer in bottles, but with a couple of exceptions ordering beer in bottles in bars is only for idiots.  They're cocktails are much more impressive, with a good mix of old standbys and unique combinations.

This place is definitely worth checking out, and a fun place to go if you want to impress a tourist as to how cool our city really is.  I've been there before, I'll go there again, though hopefully this time I won't wait another year.

Narrow Lounge

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