Monday 19 August 2013

Tangent Café

Yikes, I've been gone a while.  In my defence, I've been moving.  You know what that's like.  Everything takes three times as long to set up as it's supposed to, you're operating without internet.  All that fun stuff.  I'm back, though, and I have a bunch of cool places in the pipeline to write about!

Today, Tangent Café, a new, sleepy little place on The Drive, that is interesting, and probably isn't as big as it wants to be... yet.  I got there late on a Friday night, and it was very quiet, which is unusual for most places on Commercial.  Wood paneling seems to be very in at the moment, and I like the effect.  It manages to be dark, but bright at the same time.  Otherwise it's a fairly standard bar.  Small, side patio, and quite a small stage.  They do music nights somewhat sporadically, though Jazz Sunday seems to have become a standard.

Food was good.  I had a very nice panini and fries.  Menu is, like the place itself, fairly laid-back.  Nothing wildly unexpected, but what's on order is quite nice.

The beer list gets my seal of approval.  10 taps, rotating periodically.  Almost everything a local microbrew.  Unless you're one of those horrible people who insists they don't like beer, there will be something on the list you like.

I fear I'm not doing a great job of selling this pup.  Perhaps that's because this writeup is low on adjectives, but I find I can't think of that many to use.  If this writeup is understated, it's because the bar is understated, and please understand that I mean that as a compliment.  It's a quiet place, ideal for a chill summer evening.  Exactly the sort of place this city could use more of.

Tangent Café

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